Friday, May 24, 2013

Some Overdue Thanks

Thank you Mary Oliver, for Wild Geese. I have wrapped myself in that poem like a blanket, and fallen asleep in it on cold, lonely nights.

Thank you Fyodor Dostoevsky, for restoring my faith in stories, and in people.

Thank you Neil Gaiman, for a lot, but particularly for the version of Neverwhere you narrated. I fell asleep to it many times. Thank you for making a place where I felt safe, even if it was only the inside of my head.

Thank you Lori, for writing "the world needs your words" at the bottom of six lines a confused seventeen-year-old wrote in a moment of clarity. She has come very far since then, and some days only kept existing because she knew that somebody out there believed she had something worth living for.

Thank you Robin McKinley, for allowing me to carry a sword, and for my first crush (oh those redheads...)

Thank you Summit library, for the section on folklore. That's where it all started, when I was hardly tall enough to reach the third shelf. Now let's see where it goes from here.

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